Coffee and cake stop at Turnip the Beet
Iconic Highlands image of Highland cattle crossing a river
The start of our journey from the Lowlands to the Highlands
A Highland 'coo' on the horizon!
What no road after Rowardennan?
Descending from Conic Hill by Loch Lomond

The West Highland Way

Hiking in the Highlands

Hike in the Scottish Highlands and discover a spectacular landscape along the West Highland Way. This beautiful hike which runs from Milngavie to Fort William is 157km (98 miles) long and rewards you with stunning views of heather-clad mountains, lush landscapes, and roaring rivers. The route opened in 1980 as the first official long distance footpath in Scotland and remains the most famous and popular of trails. The West Highland Way features a huge variety of scenery from countryside parks to loch-shores, from open moorland to steep and rugged mountains.


  • Explore the glorious Scottish Highlands 
  • Experience the wildness of this ancient land
  • Hike ancient cattle droving trails, and coaching routes
  • Taste the flavours of fine produce and enjoy a wee dram
  • Sample local hospitality in characterful inns 
  • Optional afternoon indoor ice/rock climbing in Kinlochleven
  • Soak up the history of the Clans and communities

The West Highland Way is normally tackled from south to north, the thinking behind this is that the southern stages are easier and will prepare you for the more demanding northern stages. Whatever the route you will come away amazed by the scenery, the hospitality, the history and the food! 

We have acquired the Industry Standard mark meaning Tracks and Trails has followed government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, has a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing. We are working to reassure our guests that our guides are briefed on those guidelines and protocol.  

We have been walking together as a group for 20 years and very much enjoy each other's company. The views across the loch, and of the waterfalls were very impressive.

- Michael, UK - 2023

The views on the WHW are stunning. Our guide was efficient, professional and great company. There were many highlights on the trip but the ability to try climbing an ice-wall on one of the shorter days was fabulous.

- Fran, England, 2021

This trip travels through a variety of terrains all with excellent views. The guide as always was professional, informative and extremely good company. The best moment was the added bonus of ice wall climbing.

- Bob, England, 2021

Really enjoyed the walking and the changing scenery as we went further north into the Highlands. Brilliant organisation and a great group of people!

- Anne, England, 2021

This was a really nice trip with lovely views and a wonderfully varied range of accommodation. Our B&B in Kinlochleven was a particular highlight as was the superb Scottish hospitality we encountered everywhere we went.

- Niamh, Ireland, 2021

A very enjoyable and extremely organised trip ! No worries or hassle just arrive in the morning eat and walk! Spectacular scenery and lots of laughs and camaraderie along the way ?

- Rose, Ireland, 2021

The West Highland Way feels like a great introduction to long distance paths. I particularly liked the variety of the landscape.

- Linda, England, 2021

The WHW Trip afforded me the chance to see fabulous scenery in Scotland up close and personal. It was well organised from walking ,accommodation to group meals. I'd definitely recommend Tracks and Trails and, of course, the wonderful guide.

- Marian, Ireland, 2021

I was surprised at how wonderful the food was in Scotland! Not to mention the heather covered mountains and the wildness of the landscape. Midges were around, but we were early enough for them not to be too bad. Crazy characterful accommodation, and a unique experience all-round.

- Michael, USA


  • This evening your guide will meet you at your accommodation in Milngavie at approximately 1830 hrs. Your guide, who will be a fully qualified Mountain Leader, will be able to answer questions about the trip ahead, and discuss other matters relating to your holiday. We have chosen Milngavie, which is the gateway to the West Highlands, as our meeting point as it is easily reached by bus, rail and air. It also makes it convenient if you would like to arrive a day early and take the short train journey into Glasgow, just 24 minutes, to explore this world famous and historic city.

  • This morning we set off from Milngavie which is pronounced 'Miln-gie'. The town is situated on the north western edge of Greater Glasgow, about 10km (6 miles) from the city centre. The official start of your epic Scottish journey is in the centre of Milngavie where there is a granite obelisk marking the West Highland Way. From the town centre we will make our way towards Mugdock Country Park on the first leg of our Scottish adventure. Today's route runs through the ancient Earldom of Lennox, and between the hills of the Campsie Fells and Blane Water. We will take a good path through what is very rural scenery to the lovely village of Drymen. En route we may stop at Glengoyne Distillery where you can purchase whisky miniatures to enjoy that evening. For the uninitiated a 'wee dram' is the Scottish term for a small whisky. Sometimes the 'wee dram' is not so little! We detour off the West Highland Way to overnight in Drymen, a popular stopover which is in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. The Park was established by the Scottish Government in 2002. Trossachs' is a word that refers to the sparkling lochs, hills, forests and village of the area. The Trossachs' have often been described as the Highlands in miniature. 

    Distance: 19km (12 miles) Ascent: 225m (736ft) Descent: 225m (736ft) Duration: 7-8 hrs

  • This morning we begin with a hearty Scottish breakfast, before leaving Drymen and rejoining the Way as it heads towards Conic Hill. The view from Conic Hill is wonderful, and is a taste of the epic landscapes you will enjoy on the West Highland Way. Conic Hill sits astride what is known as the Great Divide which separates the  highlands and the lowlands of Scotland. The climb to Conic is quite steep, but worth it to view one of the worlds most famous stretches of water, Loch Lomond. Immortalised in song, poetry and history and known across the world for its 'Bonnie Banks'. The Loch has many islands and covers 43 square kilometres (27 square miles). We then head for the tiny village of Balmaha on the shores of the Loch with its 'white-washed' cottages and traditional buildings. There is a Visitor Centre here which has a lot of information on the local flora and fauna. The trail from Balmaha to Rowardennan is truly beautiful winding along the lochside through ancient woodlands and around headlands. A superb hiking day and one to be savoured as we head ever northwards to spend our night on the Bonnie Banks at Rowardennan.

    Distance: 22km (13.7 miles) Ascent: 720m (2354ft) Descent: 760m (2485ft) Duration: 8 - 9 hrs

  • Leaving Rowardennan, the West Highland Way takes in the northern, more remote section of Loch Lomond. The Loch in this area has waters that plunge to a depth of 190m (620 ft). The route is challenging today particularly north of Inversnaid, and has a sense of wildness and mountains soaring to the sky. A highlight of our trail today is the spectacular waterfall at Inversnaid. We will be able to get up close as the path takes a footbridge over the fall as it cascades into the Loch. Our path climbs gently until it is high over the Loch giving great views of the peaks of the Arrochar Alps. The path is rough but improves after we pass Doune Bothy. A 'bothy' is a Scottish shepherds hut, normally a small stone built building. There are many in the mountains which are 'open' and where hikers can camp for the night. Tonight you will be able to take a 'dram' at the infamous Drovers Inn. This historic Inn dates back to 1705 and is said to be haunted, it also prides itself on its lack of modernisation and still looks like it might have been 300 years ago. One of its historic patrons was Rob Roy MacGregor the famous cattle rustler. Cattle played an important part in the Highland economy with a chieftain’s wealth measured by the number of his cattle.

    Distance: 22.5km (14 miles) Ascent: 480m (1569ft) Descent: 480m (1569ft) Duration: 8 - 9 hrs

  • Now you will enter a different landscape, of soaring mountains and gentle walking along the glens. The summits of Ben More and Stob Binnean are impressive and offer a wonderful backdrop to our walk. While the views back to Loch Lomond provide a great photo opportunity. We will follow the River Falloch where you can glimpse the Falls of Falloch just before we reach the village of Crianlarich. Onwards the surrounding hills shepherd you towards Tyndrum initially following the River Fillan across the valley floor. At Kirkton Farm we will walk past the ruins of St Fillan’s Priory and graveyard. Little remains of the Priory, established by Robert the Bruce in 1318, as the stones were quarried to build the neighbouring farmhouse and outbuildings. A short distance away to the north west is St Fillan's Holy Pool, which was blessed by the saint and said to cure the insane. Eventually, we will follow the River Canonise into the village of Tyndrum where we stop for the night. 

    Distance: 18.5km (12 miles) Ascent: 475m (1553ft) Descent: 255m (833ft) Duration: 6-7 hrs

  • We have our longest day today, and as we leave Tyndrum the scenery is stunning skirting the steep sides of Beinn Odhar, and the pyramid of Beinn Dorain sits ahead. This shapely mountain will be our companion all the way along the glen until we reach Bridge of Orchy where there is the chance of a stop for a drink. After Bridge of Orchy the West Highland Way joins the Old Military Road. There are many 'Military Roads' in Scotland which were constructed across the Highlands in the mid-18th century as an attempt by the British Government to bring order. This part of Scotland was part of the Jacobite uprising and rebellion of 1715. The section after Bridge of Orchy some would say is the most scenic section of the Way, however, if you feel you have already done enough for the day you can take the local bus to the Kingshouse and enjoy an early 'refreshment' in Glencoe. 

    Leaving Bridge of Orchy it skirts high above Loch Tulla with a steep climb, and then descent, before joining the route across Rannoch Moor. The road we follow was, unbelievably, the main road until 1933! The Moor is a wonderful, exposed and lonely place that was covered by a giant icecap that is now a huge peat bog. It is sometimes described as one of the last great wildernesses of Europe. It is a long day today and we will keep moving steadily while taking in the views. As we arrive at the 17th century Kingshouse Hotel at the entrance to the famed Glencoe we have one of the most photographed Scottish mountains lying before us. Buachaille Etive Mor, gaelic for the 'The Great Herdsman of Etive' is a mountain that can 'move' even the hardest heart. Have your camera ready!

    Distance: 30.5km (19 miles) Ascent: 610m (1994ft) Descent: 595m (1945ft) Duration: 9-10 hrs

  • We follow in the footsteps of 007 today as we pass Glen Etive where part of the James Bond movie 'Skyfall' was filmed. We also enjoy views into the historic Glencoe and the 'weeping glen' which was the scene of the infamous massacre of Clan MacDonald in 1692. Members of the Clan Campbell accepted and enjoyed the hospitality of the MacDonalds and then murdered the families while they slept. The mountains here are truly beautiful and it is a day to be savoured. We hike along the glen towards Altnafeadh which is near the starting point of the trail for climbers heading to the cliffs on Buachaille Etive Mor. It is here that we begin our zig-zag climb up what is known as the Devil's Staircase which takes you to the highest point of the West Highland Way at 550m (1804ft). The route then wanders across moorland before working its way down to Kinlochleven. Here a former aluminium smelter has been turned into the National Centre for Ice Climbing, the world's largest indoor ice climbing wall. If you have any energy left you could always spend some time brushing up your climbing skills. 

    Distance: 14km (9miles) Ascent: 375m (1226ft) Descent: 610m (1994ft) Duration: 5-6 hrs

  • Our final day begins with a steep climb from Kinlochleven before the gradient relents and we enter a remote glen where we wander past deserted 'sheilings', or ancient summer farms where the Highlanders grazed their livestock. Before us we find the Lairigmor, which means the 'great pass', which gives us pleasant walking between impressive mountains. The Way follows the glen as it bends to the north, then through woodland before heading towards Glen Nevis. Once into the Glen you have Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles. The summit which stands at 1345m (4411ft) is the collapsed dome of an ancient volcano. Here there are the ruins of an observatory which was continuously staffed from 1883 to 1904. Two miles further along the Glen will bring us to the official end of the West Highland Way at the main street of Fort William. Perhaps tonight we will raise a 'wee dram' or two in celebration?

    Distance: 24km (15 miles) Ascent: 520m (1700ft) Descent: 520m (1700ft) Duration: 7-8 hrs

  • Today is your departure day from Fort William. To help with your onward travel plans refer to the 'Arrival & Departure' section of the 'Trip Information.' 

It is always our aim to complete the proposed itinerary outlined above, however, it may be necessary for our guides/instructors to adjust the daily itinerary based on the weather conditions, group safety and enjoyment. 


On all of our trips we aim to accommodate our guests in well-situated, comfortable, characterful, family run accommodation. On the West Highland Way we may use an hotel which is part of a commercial 'chain' if that is all that is available. The trip fees for this trip included Bed and Breakfast only. In Scotland it is normal to book B&B and to choose your own dinner from the menu, and then 'pay as you go'.  The only exception is IF we stay at Rowardennan Hostel when dinner is included. 

We take time to research, update and view the best options available to us on every trip. Detailed below are examples of our favoured venues and those we intend to use. If unavailable at the time of booking we will use alternative accommodation of a similar standard.

The trip fees are based on two people sharing a room on a 'Bed and Breakfast' basis, what we call a 'twin' means two single beds in one bedroom. Note that it is very rare to have air conditioning in mountain areas, and most bedrooms do not have this facility. On this trip we may stay in bunkhouse/hostel type accommodation on 2 nights when you may be sharing a larger dormitory style room. If this is the case we aim to book private dorms for the sole use of our group members so that you are within your 'bubble'. In this situation we also aim to have you only sharing with the same gender, but on the rare occasion when we are in larger dorm rooms it may be mixed gender. If you wish to discuss the rooming for any particular set of dates then do contact us


Premier Inn, Milngavie, Glasgow


The Premier Inn at Milngavie is a modern building providing comfortable rooms. It is very unusual for Tracks and Trails to book you into this type of larger hotel, as we normally use family run accommodation, however, Milngavie has limited availability for hiking groups and we find that the Premier Inn works well for our meeting point. It is only a 15 minute walk from the railway station. It has a pleasant bar area, and the breakfast is hearty. 

If you arrive a day early it is very close to Glasgow which can be reached by train and it is convenient for a day of shopping and culture in this world famous city. 

Buchanan Arms, Drymen


The Buchanan Arms Hotel is to be found in the heart of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, near the shores of Loch Lomond. The hotel, in the town of Drymen, has 52 bedrooms each with their own individual decor. They rooms are en suite, and include hairdryer, hospitality tray and Satellite TV. 


Rowardennan Lodge Youth Hostel

Rowardennan Lodge Youth Hostel is a lovely old building which sits on the banks of Loch Lomond with its own jetty and great views across the Loch. A lovely place to enjoy a craft beer or glass of wine in the cosy lounge. The Lodge has a range of private rooms as well as dormitory accommodation. We would be aiming to secure private rooms for our guests, but these are in short supply and high demand. As a result we will often book small dormitories, and on the rare occasion we may have to mix genders in the dorms. We do stress we do everything possible to avoid this, so do feel free to contact us to ask the rooming status for any particular trip dates. 

The Lodge will provide breakfast, and a 3 course dinner, and you can order a packed lunch for the following day if you would like one. Confectionary and soft drinks are available to purchase at reception, and wifi if free to all guests. You can read more about the Hostelling movement in Scotland and the aims of the organisation here

The Drovers Inn, Inverannan


The Drovers Inn, established in 1705, is famous for being infamous. Its reputation precedes it on the trail, and believe us when we say it is an experience! This ancient building appears to have had little done to it since the outlaw hero 'Rob Roy' stopped for a regular dram in the 1700's. For over 300 years this Inn has welcomed visitors into its cosy bar. 

Stepping into the Drovers is like stepping back in time. Think 'Outlander' and a red haired outlaw leaning on the bar, except his name would have been Rob Roy, rather than Jamie Fraser. There are 15 bedrooms with tea/coffee making facilities, and hairdryer. If you want a unique experience then Room 6 might just provide a visit by the resident ghost. 

Tyndrum Lodges, Tyndrum

Mountain Lodge

Tyndrum Lodges are situated by the river and on our arrival route to Tyndrum which makes them a perfect location on our hike. The Lodges are clean and comfortable, and the bedrooms spacious. There are tea and coffee making facilities in the rooms. Changes due to Covid-19 mean that breakfast is taken in your rooms. Elise, and her team, will provide you with a choice of continental breakfast items on arrival. The following day we have a long hike to Kingshouse and having an early breakfast 'in-room' means we can choose our departure time. 

The Kingshouse Bunkhouse, Glencoe

Mountain Lodge

The Kingshouse Hotel in Glencoe has been welcoming hikers for many years. We will be staying in the new Bunkhouse facility which sits next to the main Hotel building. We use the Bunkhouse as the Hotel often requires a booking of 2 nights minimum which does not suit our hiking itinerary. However, if you wish to upgrade to the hotel do contact us and we will enquire. The setting in Glencoe is truly beautiful, and has inspired writers over the centuries, including previous guests have included Wordsworth and Coleridge. 

The Bunkhouse is basic, but new, clean and comfortable. We eat in the main hotel, and can enjoy the ambience of a wee dram in the hotel bar. The bedrooms have shared shower rooms and toilets, there is a drying room for any damp kit, and you can even do your laundry if you need to. It is a Bunk house which means the beds are bunks, so be prepared to have to climb up to bed. We reckon if you can walk the West Highland Way then you can manage a few steps on a ladder! Earplugs are a good idea to aid a better nights sleep. 

Tigh na Cheo, Kinlochleven


We can be sure of a friendly welcome from Lewis when we arrive at Tigh na Cheo Guesthouse. All bedrooms are ensuite, decorated to a high standard and offer a very comfortable sleep.  There is complimentary tea and coffee available. Each room has a bath, and is perfect for relaxing and unwinding after a hard day hiking. There is one room which has a shower and no bath, and that is the triple room which we may need to use. 

All bedrooms have tea/coffee making facilities, hairdryers, and TV/DVD player. There is also a large drying room for any damp items, and free wifi. The breakfast is a Scottish cooked breakfast and you will not go hungry.

The Alexandra Hotel, Fort William


The Alexandra Hotel is ideally place to access Fort William high street, and also the railway station for your departure plans. An open-fire features in the hotel’s lounge where guests can relax with a drink. Local, Scottish produce is served in the Alexandra’s traditionally decorated restaurant. The hotel has 93 bedrooms, and has been welcoming guests for many generations. 

Rooms are spacious and have a private bathroom with a selection of toiletries. A TV, work desk and tea and coffee facilities are included in all rooms. All bedrooms are en suite, and have bathrooms, television, hairdryer, and tea and coffee making facilities. The Jacobite Steam Rail Station is less than a 5-minute walk away.

  • Arrival

    Milngavie is very close to the world famous city of Glasgow and is well served by regular bus and train services from across the UK. The train journey from central Glasgow is only 24 minutes. To help plan your arrival by train or bus, use Traveline Scotland. If we are staying at the Premier Inn in Milngavie, it is 15 minutes walk from the railway station. If the weather is inclement you may want to pre-book a taxi to pick you up on arrival as there is no guarantee there will be taxis waiting at the station.  

    Scotland is well served with international airports in Glasgow and in the capital city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh in particular has various transatlantic flights. You can travel from Edinburgh airport to Glasgow, then on to Milngavie, by public transport in approximately 1.5 hours. Check out the train times here


    You can travel onwards from Fort William by train or by bus with CityLink from Fort William to Glasgow, or Edinburgh. The train journey is along the famous west highland line and the scenery viewed from the train is stunning.

    You might also like to consider an extra night visiting Scotland's capital city, Edinburgh. One of the most historic cities in the world Edinburgh is well worth a visit.

  • When booking a trip we ask you to acquire insurance to cover you for the following:

    Mountain Rescue Insurance

    It is a condition of booking that you are insured against medical expenses, injury, illness, death, mountain rescue, cost of repatriation and personal accident risks. Please ensure that your insurance covers you to the maximum altitude given on your trip itinerary. The maximum altitude for any trip can be checked on the 'At A Glance' box on each trip page. Most of our trips have a maximum altitude of 3,000 metres. If you are unsure or are joining a bespoke trip, then please ask us for specific details.

    Trip Cancellation/Curtailment Insurance

    You should also have insurance to cover trip cancellation and curtailment. Please note that your deposit and balance payments are non-refundable, unless it is Tracks and Trails who cancel the trip due to a failure to reach the required minimum numbers. In this case we will offer you a refund or the option of transferring to another trip if one is available. We also advise that you should have insurance which covers baggage loss/equipment damage as Tracks and Trails will not be held responsible for loss/damage to baggage/equipment.

    COVID-19 Insurance

    As well as medical cover, we recommend that you have appropriate travel insurance so that if you fall ill and test positive for COVID-19 prior to (or during) your trip, you will be financially covered for cancelling your trip. You should also consider booking a policy that covers you if you have to cancel or curtail your holiday because you have to self-isolate. If you choose to cancel, cancellation charges will be payable, but if the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges. Please read the clauses below detailing trip cancellation and curtailment.

    Travel Insurance covering COVID-19 is now available from a number of suppliers, Campbell Irvine, Trailfinders and Staysure. Please check their websites for the latest information on what is and isn't covered. It is likely that more companies will offer COVID related cover in the future.

    All of the above insurances are detailed in our Terms and Conditions

    If you are joining a trip in the UK helicopter/mountain rescue insurance is not required as this is a free service.

    For further details, please read the Insurance section on our website.

  • When packing for a trip in the mountains it is important to have the appropriate equipment and clothing. This kit list features items we believe are necessary for the weather you might encounter and the accommodation you will be staying in. 


    • Rucksack – 30-35 litres, with waist and chest strap
    • Rucksack – waterproof liner/cover
    • Walking Boots - warm and waterproof
    • Walking Poles - advised
    • Bags to waterproof items, such as documentation
    • Gaiters - useful on moorland 

    **There is a day of 30km (19 miles). Think carefully about footwear for this day, as you may want to use a lighter boot or walking shoe to avoid blisters. **


    • Waterproof jacket - essential, this must keep you dry during a day of heavy rain or at least as dry as any waterproof jacket ever keeps you!
    • Waterproof trousers - essential
    • Trousers - windproof and warm 
    • Thermal top - long sleeves
    • Thin fleece - long sleeves
    • Hiking T-shirts
    • Hiking Shorts
    • Waistcoat - fleece/wind stopper 
    • Gloves x 2 (one thick and one thin)
    • Warm hat
    • Sun hat
    • Head/ear band 
    • Duvet jacket (or second warm layer)
    • Scarf or 'Buff' for neck
    • Socks - 2 or 3 pairs


    • Lip salve
    • Sunscreen - essential
    • Sunglasses
    • Snack bars/chocolate
    • Tissues - we recommend biodegradable bags to dispose of rubbish
    • Anti-bacterial hand wash
    • Insect repellant for the famous 'midges'
    • Midge net - refer to the 'Weather' section on this page for more information

    Personal First Aid

    • Personal medication 
    • Blister plasters 
    • Blister tape eg 'Strappal'
    • Painkillers/anti-inflammatory
    • Glucose tablets/Energy gel
    • 2 x Rehydration sachets - eg Dioralyte
    • Throat lozenges
    • Antiseptic cream/spray


    • Travel Insurance
    • Passport
    • Credit card
    • Cash - £ Sterling

    Additional Items

    • Slippers for use at accommodation
    • Clothing for use at accommodation
    • Hair dryer if required 
    • Boot dryers - lightweight electric boot dryers are useful
    • Camera/ Book/Music
    • Toiletries – soap/shower gel; not all accommodation supplies these
    • Ear plugs - if room sharing/Kingshouse Bunkhouse
    • Small thermos for hot drinks
    • Head torch - plus spare batteries 
    • Padlock - for luggage being transferred

    **Supplementary snacks if you follow a gluten free or coeliac diet**

    Leaders are all first aid trained and carry their own first aid kit

  • On many of our trips there will be an element of 'group kit' which will be shared amongst our guests. As mountain people you will be used to team work and working together to the mutual benefit and safety of the group.

    The 'group kit' will be minimal and usually just a case of sharing a few lightweight 'survival shelters'. For example on a week-long trip you may carry a small shelter for just one day before passing it on to the next person. 

    If you are booking a trip in winter there will be a few additional safety items. These will be distributed in such a way that no one is over burdened. 

    Other group items necessary for safety and comfort will be carried by your guide/instructor.

  • When booking a holiday as a solo traveller a twin bedded room comprising of two single beds, is booked as standard. This will be with someone of the same gender unless you request to pay extra for your own room. Single rooms are often limited in supply so if you would like to pay a supplement for a single room we urge you to get in touch as soon as possible. This trip has a single supplement of £600.

  • We go to great lengths to work with first class guides who are passionate about their work. They are all fully qualified, insured, and hold the correct documentation.

    Please note your guide has complete discretion to make a daily decision on whether or not to take the advertised route based on the weather and the ability of the members of the group. They have our authority to make any route changes they believe are necessary in the interests of safety and enjoyment. 

    Your hiking guide will be a fully qualified and experienced International Mountain Leader or UK Mountain Leader. Mountain Leaders are not only qualified to ensure the safe management of the group, but are also a source of knowledge about the local flora and fauna, and traditions of the area which you are visiting. You can learn more about our guides and instructors on the About Us page. 

  • We have given this trip our generic 'Intermediate' grade which we have described below:

    "Suitable for those of you who consider yourself ‘hill-walkers’, these trips involve longer days at an altitude of up to 2800m (9184ft) on good paths and tracks. A good level of fitness is required as these treks can involve considerable amounts of ascent and descent and the occasional difficult day on rougher paths. There may be an occasional day with ascents/descents of up to 1350m (4428ft). We would expect you to have previous experience of walking on consecutive days in the mountains, and have experience of hiking in bad weather. Expect to walk 5-7 hours per day."

    However, the West Highland Way is a little different in that it is not about the altitude or the amount you climb or descend each day, which is negligible by alpine standards, but it is about the distance. So less climbing than is normal for 'Intermediate' trips but greater distance. This trip has long days due to the km's (miles) that are walked, especially on two of the days when we walk 30km (18.75 miles) and 24km (15 miles) to cover. On these days the length of day may exceed the grading for 'Intermediate' in terms of hours walked. The trails are good and are often gently undulating, or flat, but never have steep climbs such as alpine routes. For the hours expected to be walked each day please refer to the itinerary details. 

  • On this trip your luggage (1 bag per person) will be transferred daily between your accommodation. You only need to hike with a light rucksack containing essential items. Your guide will explain which items you should pack for your hike. If you need additional luggage to be transferred then this is possible but will incur an extra fee which can be paid for in advance or at the time of the trip directly to the driver.

  • We do not include lunches in your trip fee for various reasons, the most important of which is food waste. In general our guests have particular tastes and requirements for 'trail' or 'hill' food and it is better you purchase your own snacks rather than throw away items from the picnic lunch which we would supply.

    Lunches on our trips are 'picnic' style lunches, in other words you take a packed lunch with sufficient snacks, food and fluid to sustain you throughout the day. Buying snacks and trying local specialities is a great way to inter-act with local people and to practise your language skills.

    If there is the possibility of lunch being taken at a restaurant/farm/cafe beside the trail, your guide/instructor will advise you of this. Each evening you can order a picnic or a sandwich from the hotel, or your guide/instructor will advise you of other options such as a local shop or market. In all cases we would ask you to settle any 'bill' for lunch or drinks the evening before you depart, and not in the morning when there may be a queue.

  • On your itinerary you will find an indication of the amount of ascent and descent you can expect each day. This offers a guideline to how much effort might be expended each day and allows you to decide, based on previous experience, if your fitness and stamina are correct for the trip. 

    We make every attempt to ensure these statistics are as accurate as possible, but ask you to note that the most modern of technology used to record these details can show considerable variations in terms of ascent, descent, and in particular distance. In other words no two people using GPS devices on the same route will have exactly the same details recorded at the end of the day. 

    The statistics given should be used as a 'general' indication of the effort required. 

  • Your leader will carry the correct maps and you are not expected to navigate, but if you would like to have maps of the route the six maps listed below will cover it:

    Ordance Survey Maps in the OS Explorer series, numbers - 392, 384, 377, OL39, OL38 and 348.

    These can be ordered on line from the Ordance Survey.

  • It is useful to arrive at your destination with some cash in the local currency, however, on most occasions it is relatively easy to visit a 'cash machine' after arrival and withdraw money on a credit or debit card. Some of our locations are an exception to this in particular Norway, where the accommodation will often have no facilities for withdrawing cash, but they will take a credit card. 

    On many of our trips we will visit remote cafes/farms where it is wonderful to enjoy a drink and a cake, at places such as these they will often only accept payment in the local currency in cash.

    It is useful to arrive at your destination with some cash in the local currency, however, on most occasions it is relatively easy to visit a 'cash machine' after arrival and withdraw money on a credit or debit card.

    In Scotland you will require £ Sterling. There are cash machines at Glasgow and Edinburgh airports and in Milngavie where you will start the hike. 

  • Food

    We encourage you to experience local tastes and dishes and for this reason many of our accommodation options will be family run with a reputation for traditional food. 

    If you have a 'special' diet because of an allergy or intolerance which will make you ill then the accommodation will cater for this as best they can, eg gluten free, nut free, lactose free. Gluten-free diets will be possible with regard to the evening meals, but we would advise that you bring along some gluten-free snacks for your breakfasts and lunches.

    If you are vegetarian his is not a problem as the hotels/refuges are used to being asked for vegetarian meals. Our accommodation will try to cater for those with vegan diets but in remote refuges in the mountains this is more difficult. If you would like to discuss the suitability of a trip for a vegan diet contact us

    If you have a 'special' diet which is NOT because of an allergy or intolerance, and is not 'veggie' then we apologise, but we cannot cater for this. The accommodation on the popular routes will be catering for many people each evening, in some cases up to 70/80 meals per night, 7 days a week, and realistically they cannot produce many different meal options unless the food will result in illness.

    We request that you do not CHANGE your dietary requirements during the trip as we will have pre-ordered your meals.


    The countries we visit all have tap water which is drinkable. If for any reason a particular hotel or mountain hut is having a problem with a remote mountain water supply they will normally post a sign over the tap indicating that you must not drink the water.

    Due to rising temperatures in the summer months some mountain huts are having to restrict water usage. Which may mean that you are unable to shower in some mountain refuges.

    At all times you are welcome to ask your guide/instructor if the water can be drunk. We would ask, for environmental reasons, that you avoid using single-use plastic bottles, and bring a water bottle that can be used repeatedly.

  • A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required. Please check the relevant embassy or consulate for the country you are visiting, paying attention to your citizenship. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Visa requirements and charges are subject to change without notice.  

    We ask that you carry a paper copy of your passport with you on your trip. We suggest keeping your passport in your rucksack, and a paper copy of your passport in any luggage you might have. If your trip is without luggage transfers then keep a paper copy somewhere in your rucksack, separate from your original document. 

  • A fabulous chance to try ice climbing, or rock climbing on the day we hike from the Kingshouse to Kinlochleven. This is a shorter day and we will aim to arrive in time to sign up for a session at the National Ice Climbing Centre, the Ice Factor. The Centre has a great atmosphere and it is a wonderful opportunity to try either of these activities in a controlled indoor setting. No wind or rain howling down your neck! The Centre also has a cafe and outdoor gear shop and if you would like to simply watch it is a pleasant place to spend an hour. The cafe has excellent coffee and cake and comfy sofas to lounge around on if you just want to watch. This must be booked in advance so if you wish to try a taster session which is around £30 per hour, and includes all equipment required, then do let us know as soon as possible. 

  • Tracks and Trails pays guides/instructors a fair and appropriate fee for their professional service. However, if you feel your guide/instructor has provided an excellent service that went 'above and beyond' then it is at the discretion of each guest whether to tip or not.  Guests will often give a tip of between 2 - 5 per cent of the total value of their trip. It is entirely up to you and any gesture will no doubt be appreciated no matter the size. 

  • Before booking consider whether you expect to be in the appropriate physical condition on the date of your  departure to allow you to fully participate in and enjoy your holiday. If you have any doubts because of an illness or injury it would be advisable to check with your doctor.

    For UK residents travelling to an EU country you should obtain and bring with you a free Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). This entitles you to state provided medical treatment in certain European countries, but is not a substitute for medical travel insurance.

    If you have a UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) it will be valid until the expiry date on the card. Once it expires, you’ll need to apply for a GHIC to replace it. The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get state healthcare in Europe at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. Please check this before departing. We advise that you always carry your insurance documents with details of the Emergency Medical telephone number for your insurance provider, and your policy number. 

  • We feel strongly about protecting the environment and do not encourage the use of single-use plastic items. We would ask that you arrive with a ‘water bottle’ or ‘hydration system’ that can be used repeatedly. We would point out that we operate a ‘zero tolerance’ for rubbish, and would ask you to remove all your rubbish items from the mountain even those you consider to be bio-degradable. In particular we ask that you remove any toilet tissue.

    You can read our full policy here.

  • Working across international boundaries, and with various currencies means that the price of our trips can change overnight. We have, however, undertaken to guarantee that once you have paid your deposit the price of your trip is fixed. In this respect we urge you to book early to ensure that you receive the price advertised on our website. The website price may increase due to currency fluctuations, but we guarantee that the price advertised on the date of your booking will be maintained in your individual case. 

  • Scotland is a land where you can easily experience four seasons in one day, and at any time of year. Everything from glorious sunshine through to wild winds, and heavy rain. It is in a way what 'makes' Scotland's reputation! In Scotland we say 'there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad waterproofs'. In other words come prepared for everything. 

    If you have a day when the weather is overcast and cloudy, and there is no breeze then you might experience the infamous Scottish 'midge'. These small biting insects are extremely irritating, but not dangerous,  and you should come armed with 'midge' repellent such as Smidge which is DEET free. You can also consider arriving with a 'midge net' which covers your head, and  which you can buy at most outdoor stores in Scotland or on-line. Ideally, you wear a wide brimmed hat, though a baseball type cap will do, and then put the net over your hat. The brim of the hat keeps the net off your face, and stops the midges from biting you. 

    In reality they are not a problem when you are hiking, in other words moving, but only when you stop for a period of time and are static. They do not fly when there is a brisk breeze and they do not like sunshine. So hope for good weather. We find that in May and October there is less likelihood of encountering midges, hence the dates we offer early summer, and late autumn.

    The 'midge' is part of Scottish legend and folklore and you might be disappointed if you didn't see one?

What's Included

  • The guiding services of a fully qualified Mountain Leader
  • 7 nights bed and breakfast in a twin room
  • 1 night bed and breakfast in a Bunkhouse, usually in small shared rooms of 2 or 4 people
  • Daily luggage transfers to your accommodation (1 bag per person), additional bags will incur a fee
  • Booking of restaurants for group evening meals, the cost of the meals are not included

What's Not Included

  • Insurance 
  • Drinks and snacks
  • Travel costs to 'Meeting' point
  • Lunches; buy local food or order a picnic 
  • Dinners; enjoy choosing your own meal from the local menu

The night we stay at the Kingshouse Bunkhouse it might be possible to choose to upgrade to the Kingshouse 4**** Hotel for a supplement of £150 per person in a twin room, and £300 per person in a single room. Please ask for details. 

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Grade: Intermediate


At a Glance

From Price £1660
Holiday Type Walking
Duration 9 Days
Group Size 4-10
Minimum Age 18
Maximum Altitude 550m (1800ft)
Countries Visited Scotland
Meet In Milngavie, Scotland
View all Walking Holidays


BBC 'Outlander' Jamie Fraser

Scottish phrases to practice!

Why book with T&T?

  • Highly professional guides
  • Personal service guaranteed 
  • Attention to detail throughout
  • Explore off the beaten track
  • Single rooms on request
  • No surcharge guaranteed
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